Terrifying CSGO Bug

Hi reader person guy. (thats you!)
I have terryfing news for all CSGO players.(If you dont play CSGO then gtfo.) Whether they're professional competative players, or people who have'nt figured out the aim button yet this bug will affect every player. Another thing is, its right under our noses! Everyone says its "balance put in by Valve" but I know he truth! When you run in the game with a weapon you will lag to the point where you're actually running slower! This happens with all weapons exept for the knife, that's because the knife is actually a lame weapon, the cooler the weapon you use though the slower you move! (For example you move still kinda speedy with a stupid five-seven but wih the manliest weapon ever, the negev you lag so bad you're at half speed!) The reason why is because the Demon Lord Bagool (BAG-OO-L) has cursed the game because he bought the game for full price and the next day there was a steam sale selling it for 6$! We need toget Valve to fix this issue now! Before Bagool causes more terrible bugs.
Yours Kinda-Truly